How to take a good passport size photo: An Essential Guide 2024

good passport size photo


Taking a good passport photo may seem simple, but it requires attention to particular guidelines to ensure it meets official standards. To take a passport-size photo at home, you’ll need a digital camera or smartphone, a well-lit area with a plain white background, and a friend to assist you. Position yourself about 4 to 6 feet away from the background and ensure the lighting is even, avoiding shadows on your face. Stand facing the camera with a neutral expression, keeping your eyes open and mouth closed.

Ensure the photo captures your entire face, with your head centered and your eyes level with the camera lens. After taking the picture, use photo editing software to crop it to the required dimensions, typically 2×2 inches in the U.S., while maintaining a high resolution for clarity. Following these steps will help you produce a good passport photo that is both acceptable for passport applications and easy to obtain from the comfort of your home.

Basic requirements to know before taking a passport size photo

Before taking your passport photo, it’s crucial to understand the official guidelines. While different countries may have specific rules, there are some general standards to keep in mind to ensure your photo is accepted without any issues.

Passport photos must adhere to specific dimensions. Typically, the photo should be 2×2 inches (51×51 mm) in size. The head, measured from the top hair to the bottom chin, should be between 1 inch and 1 3/8 inches (25-35 mm). Your face should occupy about 70-80% of the photo area.

Tips to follow while taking a passport size photo

Use a natural background with proper lighting.

Proper lighting and background are crucial when taking a passport-sized photo to ensure the image meets official requirements. Natural light or soft, diffused artificial lighting is best to avoid harsh shadows on the face. Position the light source before the subject, ideally at eye level, to ensure even illumination. The background should be light-colored, typically white or off-white, with no patterns or textures to ensure the subject stands out clearly.

The subject should stand a few feet away from the background to avoid casting shadows. Additionally, the photo should be taken with the Camera at eye level to maintain a neutral expression and a clear, complete view of the face. These elements help produce a clear, good passport photo more likely to meet passport photo standards.

Choose right outfit

After figuring out where to take your passport photo, the next step is deciding what to wear. Avoid strapless tops, as they can create the illusion that you’re not wearing a shirt since the photo is cropped at the bustline. While a TSA agent might not care, you should consider how it could be perceived professionally, such as showing your passport to an employer or colleagues during onboarding or travel. The appearance of being topless would make a good impression.

For a suitable passport photo, aim for a balanced exposure with high contrast and no shadows on your face or in the background. A color photo is required for digital formats, while black and white and color are acceptable for printed forms.

Select a decent style to pose.

When preparing to take a passport-sized photo, it is essential to maintain a proper pose to meet the standard requirements. Begin by standing or sitting straight, ensuring your shoulders are relaxed but not slumped. Keep your face fully visible, looking directly at the Camera with a neutral expression—mouth closed and eyes open. Position your head in the center of the frame, ensuring it is not tilted in any direction.

The background should be plain, often white or off-white, with no shadows. Remove any accessories that cover your face, such as sunglasses or hats. Ensure the lighting is even to avoid harsh shadows on your face. This pose complies with most passport photo guidelines and ensures the image is clear and recognizable.

Choose Your Hairstyle Wisely

When choosing a hairstyle for a passport-size photo, it’s essential to focus on neatness and simplicity to ensure that your face is visible and recognizable. Opt for a style that keeps your hair away from your face, such as a tidy ponytail or bun, or let your hair fall naturally if it’s short.

Avoid hairstyles with excessive volume or elaborate designs, as these can cast shadows on your face or alter your appearance. It’s also advisable to ensure your hair doesn’t cover your eyebrows or eyes, as facial features must be seen. Lastly, remember any specific guidelines passport authorities provide regarding hairstyles to ensure your photo meets all requirements.

Wear More Makeup Than You Normally Would

If you decide to wear makeup, consider enhancing your usual routine slightly. You don’t need a complete stage-ready look, but adding an extra layer of foundation, applying concealer under the eyes, or adding color to your lips and cheeks can make a difference. The Camera captures everything, so even if the makeup seems a bit heavy in person, don’t worry—it will appear normal in your passport photo. The goal is to balance looking polished and still looking like yourself.

Look straight at the Camera.

Here’s how to pose for a passport photo: Keep the camera lens at eye level. If the Camera is positioned too high or too low, it could create unflattering angles, like looking up your nose. This tip is helpful whether you take your passport photo or visit a local drugstore with an inexperienced photographer.

Find the Light

When you’re paying someone to take your photo, you may have little control over the lighting at the location. However, choosing the proper lighting is crucial when taking your pictures. Aim to use natural sunlight by positioning yourself before a window so the light is coming directly in front of you. Stand about an arm’s length away from the wall or backdrop to avoid creating shadows.

If natural light isn’t available or it’s a cloudy day, experiment with artificial lighting to ensure the photo is well-lit and free of shadows on your face or background. Although finding the right light and taking test shots can be time-consuming, it’s worth the effort to avoid reshooting photos that don’t meet your standards.

Keep Natural Smile

When taking a passport photo, it’s important to maintain a neutral expression with a closed mouth. This means smiling in the traditional sense is discouraged. This requirement ensures that facial recognition systems and border officials can easily identify you. A neutral expression helps avoid discrepancies in your appearance that could arise from different lighting or angles.

However, you can still achieve a friendly appearance by slightly lifting up the corners of your mouth and relaxing your facial muscles. This subtle expression can convey warmth without violating the guidelines, ensuring that your photo is compliant and approachable.

Set the Camera to eye level

Setting the Camera at eye level is essential to ensure the photo meets the standard requirements and looks natural. Positioning the Camera at eye level helps maintain the correct proportions of the face and prevents distortion which can occur if the Camera is angled too high or too low. This alignment ensures that all facial features are captured accurately, which is crucial for identification.

Additionally, maintaining eye-level focus creates a more flattering image by providing a direct view of the subject’s face, which is often required for official documentation like passports. You can use a tripod or adjust the Camera’s height to match the subject’s eye level, ensuring a clear, straight-on photograph.

Use a Tripod to fix the Camera.

Using a tripod to fix the Camera for taking passport-sized photos ensures stability and precision, resulting in clear and well-composed images. A tripod eliminates camera shake, which is crucial for maintaining sharpness in small photos. By keeping the Camera at a consistent height and angle, a tripod helps achieve uniformity, which is essential for passport photos to meet official requirements.

Moreover, using a tripod allows the photographer to focus more on directing the subject and adjusting lighting rather than worrying about holding the Camera steady. This setup facilitates a professional-looking photo with the correct composition, lighting, and focus.

Don’t Use Filters to edit

In 2024, it’s easy to use filters with just a touch to magically transform our appearance—clearing the skin, widening our eyes, or even doing a virtual tummy tuck. These filters are everywhere on social media but shouldn’t be used for passport photos. Even something as simple as removing red-eye digitally isn’t allowed; you’ll need to retake the picture. Enhancing or altering your passport photo in any way is a guaranteed path to rejection. Instead, use this as an opportunity to embrace your natural beauty.

Common mistake while taking a passport photo should avoid

When taking a good passport photoat home, it’s important to avoid common pitfalls that can lead to your photo being rejected or delaying your passport application. Here are some mistakes to watch out for:

  • Using a low-resolution camera
  • Insufficient lighting or shadows
  • Incorrect dimensions
  • Smiling too broadly
  • Applying social media filters
  • Closed eyes
  • Non-white background
  • Inappropriate clothing
  • Wearing glasses or headwear
  • Incorrect posture


Taking a good passport photo is crucial for ensuring that your identification documents are processed smoothly and accepted without delay. To achieve this, pay attention to the guidelines provided by the issuing authority, such as using a plain white or light-colored background, keeping your expression neutral, and maintaining a clear view of your face without shadows or obstructions. Good lighting, proper framing, and the appropriate attire also contribute to a professional appearance. By following these steps, you can produce a photo that meets all requirements, helping you avoid any potential issues with your passport application or renewal.

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